26 May 2008

Bolder Boulder 10k 2008 Race Report

The Bolder Boulder, such a fun race. I've been doing this race for a while, this would be my seventh in a row. The goal this year was Andie's, under 45 minutes. Last year I didn't run more than three times prior to the race and it showed as I faded at 6k and watch BT and Andie cruise off on her first attempt at sub-45.

This year I was ready.

Andie and I were in the BB wave this year, she had qualified using her time from last year and I qualified on a treadmill at the Bolder Boulder store, though I later found out that my half-marathon time would've gotten me into the BB wave as well. I was pretty relaxed before the race, I think Andie was a little nervous. Her training didn't go quite to plan and the race pace run the week before did not go well, but here we were. My goal, sub-45 minutes or at least faster than BT paced Andie the year before.

To sum up the race, the weather was perfect for running, the garage bands were really good this year, and we didn't make sub-45 or even beat last year's time. Here are the splits (7:14 miles is a 45:00 10k):
Mile 1 - 7:21
Mile 2 - 7:23
Mile 3 - 7:51
Mile 4 - 7:52
Mile 5 - 7:19
Mile 6 - 7:41
10k - 47:09 (7:35 pace)

I finished feeling great and even hammed it up a bit for the cameras to try and get into the calendar next year (I don't think I'll make the cut).

Even though we didn't hit goal time Andie still was 24th out of 725 in her division and 476th out of 26364 women, great job Andie!

My placings were 83rd out of 482 in my division and 2435th out of 21942 men, whoo there's some stiff competition out there.

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