July 19, 2008
John and I made the early morning trip to Leadville for the Silver Rush 50 Mile Mountain Bike Race. The start was crowded and the air was crisp, but the sun was shining and it was going to be a great day.

The start is the "Silver Rush"; we all run up the ski hill and the first guy and the first gal that make it up get a silver coin. It's madness, and a great way to start the race. I take it easy up the hill, but after getting going I realize that running hard up there is smart; everyone is jamming up on the singletrack.

I settle into my pace and when the climbs come I'm passing people, per my usual ways, us tall and skinny guys do better on the climbs than the flats. This course is pretty tough, no flats really, you're always going up or down.

The race then dumps back onto singletrack and the roller coaster terrain continues. We go around Ball Mountain on a trail that the Marathon took as well so at least I knew what was coming up, and thankfully the snowfield had melted out. The descent down to the turn around point was treacherous, a lot of babyheads and steep terrain and a narrow trail. I was stuck behind a rider that was a bit timid so the going was a little slow as he smoked his brakes, nothing like the smell of hot disc brakes in the morning! Near the bottom the leaders were on their way up, looking strong and fast.

I get to the halfway point feeling okay, I top off my bottle and way hi to John and get back on the way. At that point I was 49th and turned around at 2:43. Maybe 1/2 a mile after turning around my stomach began growling, not good. I had been eating, but I guess not enough, lunch time was approaching. I slowed my pace a little and ate the rest of my food, I was passed by a few people, but I had to make sure I got food in or the end would hurt.

The final climb was not the kind of climb that I excel at. I like the long steep climbs, the stuff that most people cringe over, this was my cringing climb, a long relentless false flat climb. The climb was always a middle ring affair, but man it sapped energy; the false flat energy made it seem like you should be able to go faster so you'd push harder. I passed a few riders during the climb, but I saw my target ahead and couldn't quite reach her, she was in a group of 6 people or so trading pulls up the climb, I was an island trying to chase them down, wasn't going to happen.

Final Time - 5:13:29
Final Place - 38th out of 309
Place in class - 6th